New Album: Minor Thing

It’s finally happened. My album is out! Available on all music platforms Links to music here: Also her for you to download for a donation. If you choose to also buy my poetry booklet for $10NZD you get a free download code.

Letter to the child I am not planning to conceive

I am really pleased to have my latest poem published by Mxogyny.  A fantastic online magazine dedicated to writing related to women’s issues, gender and gender identity. In this poem, I raise my personal feelings on whether to choose motherhood and try to discuss the concerns that all women face before deciding to have children LetterContinueContinue reading “Letter to the child I am not planning to conceive”

Sex Pest

I have a new video for my track Sex Pest I wanted to have a go at animation.  I wasn’t expecting it to be easy, but I am not in a hurry to do it again. I wrote this poem after a night of chats with a friend sharing our experiences. Which led to aContinueContinue reading “Sex Pest”